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Why do I need a Doula?

There is research that indicates there are significant benefits to both mother and baby during pregnancy, birth and postpartum when a doula is a part of your birth team. A study done by The Dona International Data Project showed that when a doula is a part of your care team there was a 5.01% drop in prematurity (4.9% versus 9.91% nationally), reduced anxiety and stress during the labor period, 7.8% drop in birth by cesarean surgery (12.6% versus 20.4% nationally - though since that study, the rate of birth by cesarean surgery has risen to 32.1%). The study also showed that mothers who have a doula are less likely to use epidural/pain medication during labor (72% versus 83%). Mothers reported increased confidence and autonomy throughout labor. Additionally, doula care was associated with a shorter stage 2 of labor, an earlier onset of lactogenesis (initiation of lactation), within 72 hours postpartum, mothers who had doulas were more likely to initiate breastfeeding (81% versus 74%), experienced improved breast feeding success and babies who were born to mothers who had the support of a doula had increased Apgar scores at one and five minutes.


We understand that babies come on their own time and when they are ready, we will be ready to answer your call of  "the baby is coming!", day or night between 38-42 weeks.



Whether your birth partner is a romantic partner, family member or friend, their experience matters too, and we will be there to help guide them and encourage them to be the best support that they can be.

Birth Support


Your Doula will be with you through your birth whether that be 2 hours or 12; your body and baby set the pace.



The time has come to put all the things that we learned and talked about during Birth Prep into practice! Labor is hard work and we will work together, using positional changes, breathing techniques, relaxation methods and more. 

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